Welcome to my labor of love. I began this wildflower site while living in Wisconsin, where there is an astounding variety of beautiful wildflowers.
I have since moved to eastern Pennsylvania, where there are many of the same plants but also some variations. I have also included pictures from adjacent areas such as Michigan,
New York, New Jersey, and a few from southern Canada.
If you are viewing this page
then you do not have frames enabled on your browser. This is the "No Frills" version of the site. I appologise for the length of the download time, but it is an image oriented site.
Most individual plant pages have two images that range in size from 10K - 100K each, although the vast majority are at the lower band-width end.
There is also a brief description of each plant.
DISCLAIMER: This site is a product of my amature enthusiasm for plants, and although I tried, it is not necessarily
scientifically correct... Certain plants are referred to as being "edible". This does not mean I recommend that you run out and sample them.
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER (emphasis) put anything in your mouth if you aren't absolutely certain what it is, and that you've
got the right part of it in the right season. (This also means not just taking my word for it). In addition, some of these plants are uncommon,
or even endangered. Obviously if they are left alone, they will be able to give you and others pleasure in the future.

All images © 1997-2000 Eleanor Shelton. All rights reserved. Images may not be reproduced in any form without written consent.

This site was last updated August 19th, 2000. I hope you enjoy it - there are more plants on the way as soon as I get time!