The Curious Bog - Mary Cerullo - A good introduction to bogs.

The Bog Page - James M. Deem. General introduction to bogs, perhaps for younger people.

The Bog Home Page - by "ChasIII". Several Bog links. Also on this sight is:

Bog Locations- by state

Bog Life - Info on Canadian bogs.

Endangered Species Lists - from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - by region.

Endangered Species in the USA - links by region from EE-Links

EE-Links Endangered Species - Their Main Page for endangered stuff around the world.

The Bog Turtle - by Dorothy DeLisle - a paper on the endangered Bog turtle.

Native Orchids of Pennsylvania - by Linda Schaeffer. Photos (by many photographers) of orchids native to our area, including some bog orchids.

Reluctant Time Travelers: the Bog Bodies of Europe- by Jenny Dente. About discoveries in northern european bogs. When ecology, archeaology, and forensics meet.

Pennsylvania's Unique Natural Features - a map with clickable list of places to visit (Including the Tannersville Cranberry Bog - #52).

The Pennsylvania Chapter of the Nature Conservancy.


The Book of Swamp and Bog - John Eastman with illustrations by Amelia Hansen, Stackpole Books, 1995 - A fascinating look into the lives of plants in a beautiful and mysterious ecosystem. Scientific explanations in lay-men's terms of the whys and wherefores of bog-dwelling plants. Also associated plant lore, other common names, etc.

Bogs of the Northeast - Charles W. Johnson, University Press of New England, 1985 - From PA and NJ covering every state up to and including Maine. As well as discussions of the denizens of bogs, it also has a more detailed description of their geological formation. In the back are lists of where in each state bogs are, and where to get more information about them.

Great Natural Areas in Eastern Pennsylvania - Stephen J. Ostrander, Stackpole Books, 1996 - If you wish to explore natural places in PA, this is a great book to start you off. Maps, descriptions of the wildlife you can expect to see, hours of opperation, etc.

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