See: Description
Interface | Description |
AttributeList.ReadTerminationStrategy |
An interface to supply the criteria for prematurely terminating the reading of a DICOM file.
BasicOffsetTableAccessor | |
ByteFrameSource |
Class | Description |
AgeStringAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Age String (AS) attributes. |
ApplicationEntityAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Application Entity (AE) attributes. |
ArrayCopyUtilities |
A class of static methods for copying data between arrays of different types,
expanding arrays, and comparing them, and removing padding from strings.
AsynchronousOutputStream |
A class that extends
FilterOutputStream by
creating a separate thread to actually perform the output operations, and returning
immediately from write calls, but blocking on closing. |
Attribute |
Attribute class is an abstract class that contains the core
functionality for storing, accessing and maintaining values of a DICOM Attribute. |
AttributeFactory |
AttributeFactory class is a factory class of static methods for creating
concrete instances of the abstract class Attribute based on their
value representation. |
AttributeList |
AttributeList class maintains a list of individual DICOM attributes. |
AttributeListFunctionalGroupsTableModel |
The abstract
AttributeListFunctionalGroupsTableModel class extends a
AttributeListTableModel to abstract the contents of a list of attributes
containing shared and per-frame functional groups for multi-frame objects as
a table in order to provide support for a AttributeListTableBrowser . |
AttributeListFunctionalGroupsTableModelAllFrames |
The abstract
AttributeListFunctionalGroupsTableModelAllFrames class extends a
AttributeListFunctionalGroupsTableModel to abstract the contents of a list of attributes
containing shared and per-frame functional groups for multi-frame objects as
a table with a row for each frame in order to provide support for a AttributeListTableBrowser . |
AttributeListFunctionalGroupsTableModelOneFrame |
The abstract
AttributeListFunctionalGroupsTableModelOneFrame class extends a
AttributeListFunctionalGroupsTableModel to abstract the contents of a list of attributes
containing shared and per-frame functional groups for multi-frame objects as
a table with a single row for a single frame in order to provide support for a AttributeListTableBrowser . |
AttributeListTableBrowser |
AttributeListTableBrowser class implements a Swing graphical user interface
to browse the contents of an AttributeListTableModel . |
AttributeListTableModel |
AttributeListTableModel class extends a
AbstractTableModel to abstract the contents of a list of attributes as
a single row table in order to provide support for a AttributeListTableBrowser . |
AttributeTag |
An individual DICOM data element (attribute) tag that
includes a group and element (each a 16 bit unsigned binary).
AttributeTagAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Attribute Tag (AT) attributes. |
AttributeTree |
AttributeTree class implements a
TreeModel to abstract the contents of a list of attributes as
a tree in order to provide support for a AttributeTreeBrowser . |
AttributeTreeBrowser |
AttributeTreeBrowser class implements a Swing graphical user interface
to browse the contents of an AttributeTree . |
AttributeTreeRecord |
Instances of the
AttributeTreeRecord class represent
nodes in a tree of the AttributeTree class, which in
turn is used by the AttributeTreeBrowser class. |
BinaryInputStream |
A class that extends
FilterInputStream by adding
the concept of little and big endian binary value encoding, and supplies functions
for reading various sized integer and floating point words. |
BinaryOutputStream |
A class that extends
FilterOutputStream by adding
the concept of little and big endian binary value encoding, and supplies functions
for writing various sized integer and floating point words. |
ClinicalTrialsAttributes |
An abstract class of static methods to support removing identifying attributes and adding
Clinical Trials Patient, Study and Series Modules attributes.
CodedSequenceItem |
A class to encapsulate the attributes contained within a Sequence Item that represents
a Coded Sequence item.
CodeStringAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Code String (CS) attributes. |
CodingSchemeIdentification |
A class to encapsulate the information related to Coding Scheme Identification encoded in composite instances within CodingSchemeIdentificationSequence.
CodingSchemeIdentificationItem |
A class to encapsulate the attributes of an Item of CodingSchemeIdentificationSequence.
CoercionModel |
A class to encapsulate patient and study information to be used for coercion of
identifiers in DICOM instances.
ColorPalette |
A class to encapsulate color palettes, including serialization and deserialization to and from standard DICOM color palette IODs.
ColorPaletteHotIron |
Standard DICOM Hot Iron color palette.
ColorPaletteHotMetalBlue |
Standard DICOM Hot Metal Blue color palette.
ColorPalettePET |
Standard DICOM PET color palette.
ColorPalettePET20Step |
Standard DICOM PET 20 Step color palette.
CompositeInstanceContext |
A class for representing the attributes of general modules that describe the patient, study, series, instance
and related "context" of the payload of a composite DICOM instance.
CompositeInstanceContext.Selector |
A class to select which entities are copied or propagated or removed or not during operations on CompositeInstanceContext.
CompressedFrameDecoder |
CompressedFrameDecoder class implements decompression of selected frames
in various supported Transfer Syntaxes once already extracted from DICOM encapsulated images. |
CompressedFrameEncoder |
CompressedFrameEncoder class implements compression of specified frames
in various supported Transfer Syntaxes, which can then be incorporated in DICOM encapsulated images. |
ContentItem |
An abstract class for representing a node in an internal representation of a structured reporting
tree (an instance of
StructuredReport ). |
ContentItemFactory |
A class with methods for constructing a
ContentItem of the appropriate class from a list of attributes. |
ContentItemWithReference |
An abstract class for representing a node in an internal representation of a structured reporting
tree (an instance of
StructuredReport ). |
ContentItemWithValue |
An abstract class for representing a node in an internal representation of a structured reporting
tree (an instance of
StructuredReport ). |
CrossSectionalImageLibrary | |
CrossSectionalImageLibrary.CrossSectionalImageLibraryEntry | |
DateAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Date (DT) attributes. |
DateTimeAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Date Time (DT) attributes. |
DecimalStringAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Decimal String (DS) attributes. |
DescriptionFactory |
A class of static methods to provide descriptions of images, including image orientation
relative to the patient from the mathematical position and orientation attributes,
and including other descriptive attributes such as from dicom directory records and
images using multi-frame functional groups.
DicomDictionary |
DicomDictionary class
is a complete standard dictionary of DICOM attributes and associated information. |
DicomDictionaryBase |
DicomDictionaryBase class
is an abstract class for creating and accessing a dictionary of DICOM
attributes and associated information. |
DicomDirectory | |
DicomDirectoryBrowser | |
DicomDirectoryRecord | |
DicomDirectoryRecordFactory | |
DicomDirectoryRecordType | |
DicomFileUtilities |
Various static methods helpful for handling DICOM files.
DicomInputStream |
A class that extends
BinaryInputStream by adding
the concept of transfer syntaxes, for a (possible) meta information header and a data set. |
DicomOutputStream |
A class that extends
BinaryOutputStream by adding
the concept of transfer syntaxes, for a (possible) meta information header and a data set. |
DicomStreamCopier |
A class to copy DICOM attributes from anm input stream to an output stream,
converting the encoding of the attributes between transfer syntaxes if necessary.
DisplayShutter |
A set of display shutter parameters constructed from the attributes of the DICOM Display Shutter Module.
EncapsulatedInputStream |
A class that extends
InputStream by adding
a mechanism for unencapsulating an undefined length DICOM attribute, such as is used for
compressed Pixel Data. |
EncapsulateImageInDicom |
A class for encapsulating compressed grayscale or RGB consumer image format input files (that JIIO can recognize) into DICOM images of a specified SOP Class, or single or multi frame DICOM Secondary Capture images.
FileMetaInformation |
A class to abstract the contents of a file meta information header as used for a
DICOM PS 3.10 file, with additional static methods to add to and extract from an
existing list of attributes.
FloatDoubleAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Float Double (FD) attributes. |
FloatSingleAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Float Single (FL) attributes. |
FrameSet |
A class to describe a set of frames sharing common characteristics suitable for display or analysis as an entity.
FunctionalGroupUtilities |
A class contain useful methods for manipulating Functional Group Sequences.
FunctionalGroupUtilities.Selector |
A class to select which functional groups are copied or propagated or removed or not during operations on functional groups.
GeometryOfSliceFromAttributeList |
A class to extract and describe the spatial geometry of a single cross-sectional image slice, given a list of DICOM attributes.
GeometryOfVolumeFromAttributeList |
A class to extract and describe the spatial geometry of an entire volume of contiguous cross-sectional image slices, given a list of DICOM attributes.
HierarchicalImageReference |
A class to represent the study, series and instance identifiers necessary to retrieve a specific single image or frame in a multi-frame image using the hierarchical model.
HierarchicalSOPInstanceReference |
A class to represent the study, series and instance identifiers necessary to retrieve a specific instance using the hierarchical model.
ImageLibrary | |
ImageLibrary.ImageLibraryEntry | |
ImageReference |
A class to represent a non-hierarchical image reference.
ImageToDicom |
A class for converting RGB consumer image format input files (anything JIIO can recognize) into DICOM images of a specified SOP Class, or single or multi frame DICOM Secondary Capture images.
InformationEntity |
A class to provide enumerated constants for the entities of the DICOM Information Model.
IntegerStringAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Integer String (IS) attributes. |
JSONRepresentationOfDicomObjectFactory |
A class to encode a representation of a DICOM object in a JSON form, and to convert it back again.
JSONRepresentationOfStructuredReportObjectFactory |
A class to encode a representation of a DICOM Structured Report object in a JSON form,
suitable for analysis as human-readable text.
LongStringAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Long String (LO) attributes. |
LongTextAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Long Text (LT) attributes. |
LossyImageCompression |
A class to categorize DICOM images as having been lossy compressed or not.
MediaImporter |
This class is designed to support the importation of DICOM files from
interchange media (such as CDs and DVDs).
MediaImporter.MediaImporterWithFileChooserDialogThread |
A class that implements
Runnable so that it can be invoked by EventQueue.invokeAndWait() . |
MediaImporter.OurReadTerminationStrategy | |
ModalityTransform |
A transformation constructed from a DICOM attribute list that extracts
those attributes that define the Modality LUT transformation, specifically the
window center and width attributes.
MoveDicomFilesIntoHierarchy |
This class provides a main method that recursively searches the supplied paths for DICOM files
and moves them into a folder hierarchy based on their attributes.
MoveDicomFilesIntoHierarchy.OurReadTerminationStrategy | |
MultiFrameImageFactory |
A class to create a set of instances, which when given unenhanced ("classic") images creates
one or more enhanced multiframe image instances from them where possible, otherwise leaves them
alone but includes them in the set.
MultiFramePixelData | |
NullOutputStream |
A class that extends
OutputStream to discard output. |
OtherAttributeOnDisk |
An abstract class specializing
Attribute for
Other (OB or OW) attributes whose values are not memory resident. |
OtherByteAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Other Byte (OB) attributes. |
OtherByteAttributeCompressedSeparateFramesOnDisk |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Other Byte (OB) attributes whose compressed frames are not memory resident. |
OtherByteAttributeMultipleCompressedFilesOnDisk |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Other Byte (OB) attributes whose values are not memory resident but rather are stored in multiple compressed files on disk. |
OtherByteAttributeMultipleCompressedFrames |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Other Byte (OB) attributes whose values are memory or file resident compressed pixel data frames. |
OtherByteAttributeMultipleFilesOnDisk |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Other Byte (OB) attributes whose values are not memory resident but rather are stored in multiple files on disk. |
OtherByteAttributeMultipleFrameArrays |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Other Byte (OB) attributes whose values are an array of bytes per frame rather than a single
contiguous array containing all frames. |
OtherByteAttributeOnDisk |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Other Byte (OB) attributes whose values are not memory resident. |
OtherDoubleAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Other Double (OD) attributes. |
OtherFloatAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Other Float (OF) attributes. |
OtherFloatAttributeMultipleFilesOnDisk |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Other Float (OF) attributes whose values are not memory resident but rather are stored in multiple files on disk. |
OtherLongAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Other Long (OL) attributes. |
OtherVeryLongAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Other Very Long (OV) attributes. |
OtherWordAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Other Word (OW) attributes. |
OtherWordAttributeMultipleFilesOnDisk |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Other Word (OW) attributes whose values are not memory resident but rather are stored in multiple files on disk. |
OtherWordAttributeMultipleFrameArrays |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Other Word (OW) attributes whose values are an array of shorts per frame rather than a single
contiguous array containing all frames. |
OtherWordAttributeOnDisk |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Other Word (OW) attributes whose values are not memory resident. |
Overlay |
A set of bitmap overlays constructed from a DICOM attribute list.
PDFToDicomImage |
A class for converting PDF files into a single or multi frame DICOM Secondary Capture image with one frame per page.
PersonIdentification |
A class to provide support for the Person Identification Macro.
PersonNameAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Person Name (PN) attributes. |
PixelSpacing |
An class to extract and describe pixel spacing related information.
PrivatePixelData |
This class includes standard and private mechanisms for handling float or double Pixel Data.
ProjectionXRayImageLibrary | |
ProjectionXRayImageLibrary.ProjectionXRayImageLibraryEntry | |
RealWorldValueTransform |
A transformation constructed from a DICOM attribute list that extracts
those attributes which describe how stored pixel values are translated
into real world values (e.g., Hounsfield Units, cm/s).
SequenceAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Sequence (SQ) attributes. |
SequenceItem |
A class to provide support for the contents of an individual item of a DICOM Sequence (SQ)
attribute, each of which consists of an entire dataset (list of attributes).
SetOfDicomFiles |
A class to describe a set of DICOM files and their features such as SOP Class, Instance and Transfer Syntax UIDs.
SetOfFrameSets |
A class to describe a set of frame sets, each of which shares common characteristics suitable for display or analysis as an entity.
ShortStringAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Short String (SH) attributes. |
ShortTextAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Short Text (ST) attributes. |
SignedLongAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Signed Long (SL) attributes. |
SignedShortAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Signed Short (SS) attributes. |
SignedVeryLongAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Signed Very Long (SV) attributes. |
SingleOverlay |
A single bitmap overlay plane
SOPClass |
The abstract base class of classes that implement individual DICOM SOP Classes or
groups of SOP Classes that behave similarly (for example the composite instance
Storage SOP Classes).
SOPClassDescriptions |
A class of static methods to provide a means of describing SOP Classes with abbreviations
and hman-readable descriptions.
SOPInstanceReference |
A class to represent a non-hierarchical instance reference.
SpatialCoordinateAndImageReference |
A class to encapsulate information describing references in a structured
report to images, with or without spatial coordinates.
SpecificCharacterSet |
A class to encapsulate the functionality defined by the DICOM Specific Character Set
attribute, including the ability to parse the string values of the attribute and then
apply the appropriate character conversions from byte array values into Java's internal
Unicode representation contained in
String . |
SpectroscopyVolumeLocalization |
A class to extract and describe the spatial geometry of an MR spectroscopy localization volume, given a list of DICOM attributes.
StandaloneAttributeTreeBrowser |
StandaloneAttributeTreeBrowser class implements a Swing graphical user interface
to browse the contents of an AttributeTree using an AttributeTreeBrowser . |
StoredFilePathStrategy |
This is an abstract class to support creating path names for how to organize the folders and files for stored composite instances based on their SOP Instance UID.
StoredFilePathStrategyComponentFolders |
Store files in a hierarchy of folders using successive numeric components
of the SOP Instance UID as the folder name and the SOP Instance UID as the filename within the most deeply nested folder.
StoredFilePathStrategyHashSubFolders |
Store files in a hierarchy of folders using successive decimal digits of the hashcode
of the SOP Instance UID as the folder name and the SOP Instance UID as the filename within the most deeply nested folder.
StoredFilePathStrategySingleFolder |
Store files in a single folder, using the SOP Instance UID as the filename.
StringAttribute |
An abstract class specializing
Attribute for
the family of string attributes. |
StringAttributeAffectedBySpecificCharacterSet |
An abstract class specializing
Attribute for
the family of string attributes that support different specific character sets. |
StructuredReport |
StructuredReport class implements a
TreeModel to abstract the contents of a list of attributes
representing a DICOM Structured Report as
a tree in order to provide support for a StructuredReportBrowser . |
StructuredReportTreeBrowser |
StructuredReportTreeBrowser class implements a Swing graphical user interface
to browse the contents of a StructuredReport . |
SUVTransform |
A transformation constructed from a DICOM attribute list that extracts
those attributes which describe how stored pixel values are translated
into PET SUV values.
TagFromName |
TagFromName class contains a selected list of
constant values for frequently used AttributeTag s. |
TextAttribute |
An abstract class specializing
Attribute for
the family of text attributes. |
TiledFramesIndex |
TiledFramesIndex class ... |
TimeAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Time (TM) attributes. |
TransferSyntax |
A class to represent the characteristics of a DICOM Transfer Syntax, which may
be instantiated from a UID or from basic characteristics, as well as static
UID strings for known Transfer Syntaxes, and static methods for extracting
the characteristics of known Transfer Syntaxes.
TransferSyntaxFromName |
A class to lookup the DICOM Transfer Syntax UID from a string name.
UIDGenerator |
A class for generating new UIDs, deterministically or not, including potentially reproducible Study, Series and SOP Instance UIDs.
UniqueIdentifierAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Unique Identifier (UI) attributes. |
UniversalResourceAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Unviversal Resource (UR) attributes. |
UnknownAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Unknown (UN) attributes. |
UnlimitedCharactersAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Unlimited Characters (UC) attributes. |
UnlimitedTextAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Unlimited Text (UT) attributes. |
UnPackBits | |
UnsignedLongAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Unsigned Long (UL) attributes. |
UnsignedShortAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Unsigned Short (US) attributes. |
UnsignedVeryLongAttribute |
A concrete class specializing
Attribute for
Unsigned Very Long (UV) attributes. |
ValueRepresentation |
Utilities to support the concept of the DICOM Value Representation (VR), including
two byte arrays for each VR, and tester methods that determine whether or not a
particular two byte array is a particular type of VR.
VersionAndConstants |
Various pre-defined constants for identifying this software.
Veterinary |
A class of static methods for handling veterinary (animal) data.
VOITransform |
A transformation constructed from a DICOM attribute list that extracts
those attributes that define the VOI LUT transformation, specifically the
window center and width attributes.
XMLRepresentationOfDicomObjectFactory |
A class to encode a representation of a DICOM object in an XML form,
suitable for analysis as human-readable text, or for feeding into an
XSLT-based validator, and to convert them back again.
XMLRepresentationOfStructuredReportObjectFactory |
A class to encode a representation of a DICOM Structured Report object in an XML form,
suitable for analysis as human-readable text, or for feeding into an
XSLT-based validator.
Exception | Description |
DicomException |