Medical Image Format FAQ - Part 4

Proprietary Formats (Continued)

Access to other parts ...


3.3 MR - Proprietary Formats

3.3.1 General Electric MR GE MR Signa 3.x,4.x

References (see the GEMS image format information contacts section): GE MR Signa 3.x,4.x Image data

The image files are of fixed layout, described here as a series of 256 by 16 bit word blocks (512 bytes), blocks numbered from 0. The headers start at the following block offsets:

        block 0  - length 4 blocks   - System configuration
        block 4  - length 2 blocks   - Site customization
        block 6  - length 2 blocks   - Study header
        block 8  - length 2 blocks   - Series header
        block 10 - length 2 blocks   - Image header
        block 12 - length 4 blocks   - Raw database header
        block 16 - length 10 blocks  - Pulse sequence description
        block 26 - length 2 blocks   - Pixel map (? not ever used)
        block 28 - length 256 blocks - Image data

As decribed earlier, the header is a fixed length of 14336 bytes, after which the uncompressed image data starts.

Some of the more important fields are described here. Integers are 16 bit words (big-endian), ascii strings are Fortran style specifications with length in bytes, and reals are 4 bytes long (see Host machines - Data General), word offsets are numbered from 0:

        block 6 - study header

               word  32      - 5A   - Study number
               word  39      - 9A   - Date of study (dd-mmm-yy)
               word  47      - 8A   - Time of study (hh:mm:ss)
               word  54      - 32A  - Patient name
               word  70      - 12A  - Patient ID
               word  78      - 3A   - Age xxx years or xxD or W or M or Y
               word  80      - 1A   - Sex

        block 8 - series header

               word  31      - 3A   - Series number
               word  52      - 120A - Series description
               word  112     - Int  - Series type (0=normal,1=screensave,
               word  113     - Int  - Coil type (0=head,1=body,2=surface)
               word  114     - 16A  - Coil name
               word  122     - Int  - Contrast description
               word  138     - Int  - Plane type (0=axial,1=sagittal,2=coronal,
                                          3=oblique,4=screen save)
               word  147     - Int  - Image mode (0=2D single,1=2D multiple,
                                          2=3D volume,3=cine,4=spectroscopy)
               word  148     - Int  - Field strength (gauss)
               word  149     - Int  - Pulse sequence (0=memp,1=ir,2=ps,3=rm,
               word  150     - Int  - Pulse sequence subtype (0=chopper)
               word  151     - Real - Field of view mm
               word  153     - Real - Center (3 values;R+L-,A+P-,S+I-)
               word  159     - Int  - Orientation (0=supine,1=prone,2=Lt,3=Rt)
               word  160     - Int  - Position (0=head first,1=feet first)
               word  161     - 32A  - Longitudinal anatomical reference
               word  177     - 32A  - Vertical anatomical reference
               word  199     - Int  - Scan matrix X
               word  200     - Int  - Scan matrix Y
               word  201     - Int  - Image matrix

        block 10 - image header

               word  44      - 3A   - Image number
               word  73      - Real - Image location
               word  75      - Real - Table position
               word  77      - Real - Image thickness
               word  79      - Real - Image spacing
               word  82      - Real - TR uS
               word  86      - Real - TE uS
               word  88      - Real - TI uS
               word  98      - Int  - Number of echos
               word  99      - Int  - Echo number
               word  101     - Int  - NEX (if not fractional)
               word  146     - Real - NEX
               word  175     - Int  - Flip angle GE MR Signa 3.x,4.x Tape format GE MR Signa 3.x,4.x Raw data GE MR Signa 5.x - Genesis

References (see the GEMS image format information contacts section):

General Electric now uses the same Sun based architecture for its HighLite Advantage (HLA) and High Speed Advantage (HSA) CT and Signa 5X MR family, referred to as Genesis. The general details of this scheme will be discussed here, as well as the description of the MR image header. Specifics related to the CT modality are described elsewhere. GE MR Signa 5.x Image data

Genesis is a system running under SunOS 3.5G (NOT Solaris) on, believe it or not, a sun3 68000 architecture, not a sun4 sparc.

It would appear that unlike in the previous Data General based system, the active database is stored as one large monolithic file in a raw partition, which doesn't make it very easy to extract single imgaes. Fortunately, GE have saved the day by kindly providing, and thoroughly documenting in the material that they send you when you ask for the image file format, an Image Extract Tool that lives in "/usr/g/insite/bin" and is called "ximg". To see what options are available just type "ximg -h" for help. Note that ximg's default is to strip out the patient's name and ID number which is annoying, so don't forget the "-s" flag. The default directory to put the extracted images in is "/usr/g/insite/tmp". The input names to select images in silent (non-menu) mode are of the following form:


                eeeee =  exam number   or "all"
                sss   =  series number or "all"
                iii   =  image number  or "all"

and the resultant filenames are the same with an extension of ".MR" or ".CT" depending. For example:

                % /usr/g/insite/bin/ximg -i e673s1i1 -s -t
                % ls -l /usr/g/insite/tmp

which extracts the selected image in silent mode (-i) without stripping the identification (-s) in rectangular (-t) mode, ie. not compressed or packed.

One nifty feature that allows you to keep up to date with the latest version header contents is the "-g" switch which invokes the GenIncl utility that produces a file called "imageFileOffsets.h" that lists the type and offsets of each field in the header ! Remarkable, huh ?

How does one get access to the operating system on the Signa ? Let me count the ways. First, from the Advantage console one can just call up a command shell from the Utilities menu, or one can invoke the Ftp option uner Networks and then use the "!" command to ftp, which like in many Unix tools, spawns a shell. Or from another workstation on the network one can just telnet or rsh across. If you are connected using an Advantage Windows workstation you can pull up a command shell by using the right menu button with the cursor on the desktop. Doing a few "cat /etc/hosts" around the place will let you know what all the machines are called.

One can also access the console directly from the plasma screen by toggling "L1-B" on or off.

Once you have extracted them, the Genesis file contains headers consisting of several components in common with CT and then a specific CT or MR header. The file is structured as a "block type" header with a brief "control header" of fixed size, followed by a bunch of optional headers, some of which reflect internal database structures and are of no interest, others (such as the suite/exam/series/image) headers that contain descriptive and identification information, and two that are of importance for deciphering the pixel data (unpack control & compression control). Some of the more important fields are described here:

Sun3 Sun Data Types:

        control header (offset 0):

                0   - int      - magic number = 0x494d4746 = "IMGF"
                4   - int      - byte displacement to pixel data
                8   - int      - width
                12  - int      - height
                16  - int      - depth (bits)
                20  - int      - compression (0=asis,1=rectangular,2=packed,
                32  - int      - background shade to use for non-image
                54  - u_short  - 16 bit end_around_carry sum of pixels
                56  - int      - ptr to unique image identifier
                60  - int      - length of unique image identifier
                64  - int      - ptr to unpack header
                68  - int      - length of unpack header
                72  - int      - ptr to compression header
                76  - int      - length of compression header
                80  - int      - ptr to histogram header
                84  - int      - length of histogram header
                88  - int      - ptr to text plane
                92  - int      - length of text plane
                96  - int      - ptr to graphics plane
                100 - int      - length of graphics plane
                104 - int      - ptr to data base header
                108 - int      - length of data base header
                112 - int      - value to add to stored pixels
                116 - int      - ptr to user defined data
                120 - int      - length of user defined data
                124 - int      - ptr to suite header
                128 - int      - length of suite header
                132 - int      - ptr to exam header
                136 - int      - length of exam header
                140 - int      - ptr to series header
                144 - int      - length of series header
                148 - int      - ptr to image header
                152 - int      - length of image header

        unpack header:

                // used when compression is packed, or compressed & packed
                // contains perimeter encoding map ... cf. GE 9800

                struct {
                        short pixels_to_left_of_line;
                        short pixels_in_stored_line;
                } table [height_of_image];

        compression header:

                Not necessary for decompressing entire image ... rather it
                contains seeds for various "strips" of the image to allow
                jumping into the compressed pixel data ... see the GE docs.

        histogram header:

                Contains statistical information for determining optimum
                windowing ... see the GE docs and GenIncl produced header

        exam header:

                0   - char[4]  - suite ID
                8   - u_short  - exam number
                84  - char[13] - patient ID
                97  - char[25] - patient name
                122 - short    - patient age
                126 - short    - patient sex
                305 - char[3]  - exam type - "MR" or "CT"

        series header:

                10  - short    - series number
                84  - char[3]  - anatomical reference
                92  - char[25] - scan protocol name

        image header - common to CT and MR:

                12  - short    - image number
                26  - float    - slice thickness mm
                30  - short    - matrix size - X
                32  - short    - matrix size - Y
                34  - float    - display field of view - X (mm)
                38  - float    - display field of view - Y (mm)
                42  - float    - image dimension - X
                46  - float    - image dimension - Y
                50  - float    - pixel size - X
                54  - float    - pixel size - Y
                58  - char[14] - pixel data ID
                72  - char[17] - iv contrast agent
                89  - char[17] - oral contrast agent

                126 - float    - image location
                130 - float    - image centre R mm (ie. X +ve to right)
                134 - float    - image centre A mm (ie. Y +ve to anterior)
                138 - float    - image centre S mm (ie. Z +ve to superior)
                154 - float    - image TLHC R mm (ie. X +ve to right)
                158 - float    - image TLHC A mm (ie. Y +ve to anterior)
                162 - float    - image TLHC S mm (ie. Z +ve to superior)
                166 - float    - image TRHC R mm (ie. X +ve to right)
                170 - float    - image TRHC A mm (ie. Y +ve to anterior)
                174 - float    - image TRHC S mm (ie. Z +ve to superior)
                178 - float    - image BRHC R mm (ie. X +ve to right)
                182 - float    - image BRHC A mm (ie. Y +ve to anterior)
                186 - float    - image BRHC S mm (ie. Z +ve to superior)

        image header - for MR (1022 bytes long):

                194 - int      - repetition time(usec)
                198 - int      - inversion time(usec)
                202 - int      - echo time(usec)
                210 - short    - number of echoes
                212 - short    - echo number
                218 - float    - NEX
                308 - char[33] - pulse sequence name
                362 - char[17] - coil name
                640 - short    - ETL for FSE

So much for the headers. Now how does one deal with the image data ? The easiest way of course is to save it as "rectangular", that is not compressed and not packed. If you want to do it the hard way, then if the data is packed, then unpack it, then if it is compressed, uncompress it. The packing is a perimeter encoding method like the CT 9800, except that instead of using a map containing just the width of the stored data, both a left offset and a width are stored for each row, as described in the "unpack header". The compression scheme is DPCM again but with a difference ... three alternative encodings are possible ... a 7 bit difference (one byte), a 14 bit difference (two bytes), or a flag byte followed by a true 16 bit pixel value (three bytes). Presumably this scheme was devised to handle a greater dynamic range than in the CT 9800 scheme when necessary, but produce a similar degree of compression otherwise.

             0  +/- <------ 6 bits ------->
            _______________ _______________ 
           |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
             7           4   3           0  


             1   0  +/- <------------------ 13 bits ---------------------->
            _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ 
           |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
            15           12 11           8   7           4   3           0  


             1   1  <----- discarded ----->  Then two bytes for 16 bit word
            _______________ _______________ 
           |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
             7           4   3           0  

The following piece of C++ code pulled out of a Genesis to DICOM translator will give you the general idea. Note that the perimeter encoding map has already been read in (map_left and map_wide). Note in particular the need to deal with sign extension of the difference values. Unlike the CT 9800 example earlier, one has to use a separate loop for the compressed data stream as all 16 bits are potentially in use.

static void
copygenesisimage(ifstream& instream,DC3ofstream& outstream,
	Uint16 width,Uint16 height,Uint16 depth,Uint16 compress,
	Uint16 *map_left,Uint16 *map_wide)
	unsigned row;
	Int16 last_pixel=0;
	for (row=0; row<height; ++row) {
		unsigned j;
		unsigned start;
		unsigned end;

		if (compress == 2 || compress == 4) { // packed/compacked
		else {
		// Pad the first "empty" part of the line ...
		for (j=0; j<start; j++) outstream.write16(0);

		if (compress == 3 || compress == 4) { // compressed/compacked
			while (start<end) {
				unsigned char byte;,1);
				if (!instream) return;
				if (byte & 0x80) {
					unsigned char byte2;,1);
					if (!instream) return;
					if (byte & 0x40) {	// next word,1);
						if (!instream) return;
					else {			// 14 bit delta
						if (byte & 0x20) byte|=0xe0;
						else byte&=0x1f;
				else {				// 7 bit delta
					if (byte & 0x40) byte|=0xc0;
					last_pixel+=(signed char)byte;
		else {
			while (start<end) {
				Uint16 u=readUint16(instream);
				if (!instream) return;

		// Pad the last "empty" part of the line ...
		for (j=end; j<width; j++) outstream.write16(0);
} GE MR Signa 5.x Archive format

GE supply both DAT tape and 5.25" write once and rewriteable optical disk drives.

The optical drives are made by Pioneer. This is an unfortunate choice as the media format is incompatible with any other vendor so you need a Pioneer (DEC 702 ?) drive to read it. The person who made this choice tells me the fundamental technology seemed more sound on the Pioneer side than from the other companies, and there were also two sources for the Pioneer and no one was producing any other interchangeable systems. Interestingly Siemens made the same choice.

As for the file system, there seem to be two methods in use. One is to use a monolithic file system on a raw partition. I haven't seen it but there is now apparently a document from GE available describing this format "direction 46-021863 CT HLA/HSA MR Signa 5.x Optical Disk Raw Partition". See the GEMS image format information contacts section. This is what is used on the MOD.

For the WORM, a different choice was made, to use a commericially available filesystem product that made the disk look like a unix filesystem with the ability to store and replace and update on a write once medium. It is available from DoroTech of France and called DoroFile. Because it is a commerical product, GE are restrained from disclosing the file structure.

The formats have been reverse engineered by Jeffrey Siegel of Evergreen Technologies however, and he can supply you with software to read both GE and Siemens MOD and WORM formats, on a PC or Mac for $495. He can sell you the drive as well if necessary for $2800. It can run on a Mac or on a PC with an Adaptec card and driver. Some driver software for the Pioneer drive is also available from Corel.

If you have an GE Advantage Windows workstation, there is an optional MOD/WORM drive and software for that.

As far as the DAT format is concerned, this format is available though I don't have it (yet). Examining a tape reveals the following however:

There does not seem to be a tape directory per se.

Each image file is a modification of the format created by the ximg utility to extract images from the database.

The ximg format is described as a file header beginning with the magic number "IMGF" and then a short header that contains byte offsets to the image data, and various suite, exam, series and image headers.

The DAT images are NOT organized like this, but do use exactly the same headers and image data layout (and compression schemes). The difference is in the order of the header.

The first record of the file is 3180 bytes long and contains:

        0-113      suite  header   (length 114)
        114-1137   exam   header   (length 1024)
        1138-2157  series header   (length 1020)
        2158-3079  image  header   (length 1022 for mr)
                                   (length 1020 for ct)
        3080-3179  zero padding

NB. this record DOES NOT begin with "IMGF" !

The second record of the file is 5208 bytes long (in my case anyway) and followed by 8192 byte records and a final record of whatever is left over.

This 5208 byte record contains a "proper" header in the ximg output format and starts with "IMGF". The subsequent byte offsets to the image data, compression headers, histogram header etc. are correct and offset from the beginning of this second record and NOT the start of the file. Furthermore the pointers to those headers in the first record (suite, exam, series and image headers) are TOTALLY WRONG and must be ignored ... I don't know how their values are derived but it is not obvious.

I presume that the files were reorganized this way in order to make it easy for simple utilities to access the demographic data to index the tape or something. Anyway it is easy to rewrite utilities that read the ximg format to take all this into account and extract the tags and the images.

The image data byte offset (eg. 5204) in the file header is 4 bytes too short, eg. 3180 + 5204 + 4 -> 3188 which is where the image data starts.

If you are not familiar with the Genesis ximg format, on a Signa at least, you can run "/usr/g/insite/bin/ximg -g" to extract a prototype C header file describing the file format. GE MR Signa 5.x Raw data GE MR Max

References (see the GEMS image format information contacts section):

I do not have any MR Max images to try this on, but am told that the format is essentially the same as the CT GE CT Pace, with some different fields in the image header:

    For MR only:

        0xc0    string  5       Tilt ordered by user Axis+/-Angle [xx+/-xx]
        0x100   string  2       Echo number
        0x102   string  2       Number of echoes
        0x104   string  2       Slice number
        0x106   string  2       Number of slices
        0x108   string  2       Number of excitations
        0x10a   string  5       Repetition time ms
        0x110   string  5       Inversion time ms
        0x115   string  5       Echo time ms
        0x130   string  4       Magnetic flux density (T) GE MR Vectra

Same comments as pertain to the Sytec/Pace entry in the CT section. A few sample files on a floppy would be much appreciated.

3.3.2 Siemens MR

It would seem that two formats are used on Siemens MR scanners, modern ones at least. There is a native format that is specific to each family of scanners, and an "exported" ACR/NEMA based SPI format. The earlier scanners define fewer useful elements in the exported format, and encapsulate parts of the native header in private elements, whereas the more recent forms are more complete implementations. The comments below are based on limited experience, and in most cases either the native or the exported format has been examined, but not both.

A fairly common feature of all the native formats seems to be so-called "image text" portion of the header which contains a more or less exact replica of what is annotated on the film ... in the earlier models it is indeed an exact replica, being 24 rows of 40 characters or whatever. This can be very helpful in deciphering un unknown format. Interestingly enough, though many values are repeated in string form from binary values in the header, patient identification information often occurs only in the text header and nowhere else ! Siemens Magnetom GBS/GBS II Siemens Magnetom GBS/GBS II Native Format

Simply speaking the image data can be accessed in most cases as:

In more detail, there is an initial brief fixed "Entry header" that contains pointers to subsequent headers, where pointers are offsets to 512 byte records, indexed from 1, and lengths are in 512 byte records, and binary values are Vax data types, including type F floats. The image data is usually uncompressed little endian two byte words, and it probably isn't worth going into details of the compression scheme here. I have never tested it. Only the more important header values are listed here:

    Entry header (first 128 bytes of first 512 byte record):

        0    short          Number of entries (==9)
        2    short          Entry length      (==2)
        4    short          Bytes per record  (==512)
        20   short          Installation header pointer (usually == 2)
        22   short          Installation header length  (usually == 1)
        24   short          Measurement header pointer  (usually == 3)
        26   short          Measurement header length   (usually == 2)
        28   short          Image text header pointer   (usually == 5)
        30   short          Image text header length    (usually == 2)
        32   short          Image data header pointer   (usually == 9)
        34   short          Image data header length    (usually == 256)

    Image header (last 394 bytes of first 512 byte record):

        0    short          Data code (-1=raw data,1=image data,...)
        10   short          Rows
        12   short          Columns
        24   short          Bit depth of image
        26   short          Bit depth of ROI
        28   short          Bit map of ROI in use
        54   short          Pixels per 10cm
        126  short          Archive code
                            (10/12=128 uncompressed/compressed,
                             20/22=256 uncompressed/compressed,
                             50/52=512 uncompressed/compressed)
        256  short          View direction (-1=caudal,1=cranial)
        258  short          Orientation (-1=head first,1=feet first)
        260  short          Orientation (1=supine,2=prone,
                             3=right lateral,4=left lateral)

    Installation header:

        64    char[32]      Serial number

    Measurement header:

        48    char[60]      Protocol name
        120   char[8]       Sequence name
        132   short         Measurement type
        138   short         Number of echoes
        140   short         Number of averages
        150   short         Rows in acquisition
        152   short         Columns in acquisition
        222   short         Echo number
        224   short         Slice number
        226   short         Number of slices
        228   short         Slice orientation (1=X,2=Y,3=Z)
        230   short         X angle
        232   short         Y angle
        234   short         Z angle
        236   short         3D resolution factor
        238   short         3D partition
        398   short         Acquisition number
        400   float_f       Slice thickness (3D partition thickness)
        440   short         NMR frequency Hz
        476   float_f       TR secs
        480   float_f       TI secs
        488   float_f[32]   TE[echo 1..32] mS
        756   float_f       Field strength Tesla
        772   float_f       Slice thickness mm
        776   float_f       Slice gap mm
        780   float_f[32]   Slice distance[slice 1..32] mm
        952   char[8]       Imaged nucleus
        972   short         Flip angle
        1004  float_f       Patient weight kg
        1020  float_f       Table position mm

    Image text header:

        0    char[9]       Installation name
        9    char[5]       Field strength <xxxx>T
        15   char[25]      Hospital name
        40   char[25]      Patient name
        66   char[1]       Trigger ('T'=ecg)
        67   char[1]       Gating ('H'=respiratory high,'L'=respiratory low)
        68   char[3]       Software version
        71   char[1]       Lookup table number
        72   char[1]       Measurement matrix size
                            '*'=raw data set incomplete)
        73   char[1]       Reproduction matrix size
        74   char[4]       Number of acquisitions
        78   char[2]       Technique
                           ('SE'=spin echo,'SU'=spin echo summation,
                            'SM'=spin echo multiecho,
                            'IR'=inversion recovery,
                            'IS'=inversion recovery summation,
                            'FD'=free induction decay,
                            'PU'=phase image uncorrected,
                            'PC'=phase image corrected,
                            'W '=lipid separation water image,
                            'F '=lipid separation fat image,
                            '3D'=image from 3D data,
                            'T1'=longitudinal relaxation time,
                            '1R'=T1 weighted density,
                            'T2'=transverse relaxation time,
                            '2F'=T2 fit,'2R'=T2 weighted density,
                            'RH'=density,'SI'=synthetic image)
        80   char[12]      Patient ID
        113  char[2]       View direction ('CR'=cranial,'CU'=caudal)
        116  char[1]       View direction ('H'=head first,'F'=feet first)
        118  char[2]       View direction ('SP'=supine,'PR'=prone,
                            'RP'=right lateral posterior,
                            'LP'=left lateral posterior)
        120  char[2]       Date - DD
        123  char[3]       Date - MMM
        127  char[2]       Date - YY
        160  char[2]       Time - HH
        163  char[2]       Time - MM
        166  char[2]       Time - SS
        201  char[5]       Image number
        640  char[6]       Inversion time TI<xxxx> mSecs,
                            flip angle FI<xxxx>,FL<xxxx>,FA<xxxx>
        680  char[6]       Repetition time TR<xxxx> Secs
        680  char[6]       Echo time TE<xxxx> mSecs
        760  char[7]       Slice thickness SL<xxxxx> mm
        800  char[8]       Slice position  SP<xxxxx> mm
        880  char[7]       Slice orientation X  <xxxx>,Y  <xxxx>,Z  <xxxx>,
                            zoom factor ZF <xxxx>, field of view FOV <xxx>
        912  char[8]       Acquisition time TA<mmm:ss>
        920  char[6]       Trigger delay for ecg TD<xxxx>
        929  char[24]      Image comments

A sample text header follows:

        MAGNETOM 1.5 T              HOSPITAL    
        NONAME,JOHN 010199           D2 BB   2SE
        14802 F            FRONT         CU-H-SP
        >   74                              R   
        TR .60                                  
        TE  15                                  
        SL  5.0                                 
        SP -28.4                                
        Z   21                                  
        FOV 210                         TA  5:10 Siemens Magnetom GBS/GBS II SPI Format

Unknown, perhaps doesn't exist. Siemens Magnetom SP Siemens Magnetom SP Native Format

Unknown. Siemens Magnetom SP SPI Format

Similar story as for the Siemens Somatom Plus. Siemens version of SPI, containing the following private data elements. Note that there is overlayed data in the high four bytes of the image pixel data, and that there seems to be a bunch of padding in the middle. The intent seems to be to store the "original header" and the image pixel data at accessible, presumably standard locations, presumably indexed by the byte offsets and lengths described in group 9. This is a shame because it seems that none of the really interesting MR attributes have been included in the SPI form, although SPI private tags are available for lots of MR parameters. This is in contrast to the Siemens Magnetom Impact which contains more interesting SPI tags.

SPI private tags:
(0009,0010)                                      <SPI RELEASE 1>
(0009,0011)                                        <SIEMENS MED>
(0009,1010) SPI RELEASE 1   Comments        <SPI VERSION  01.00>
(0009,1015) SPI RELEASE 1   UID     <000S00MR001994122719161248>
(0009,1110) SIEMENS MED     RecognitionCode             <MR 2.0>
(0009,1130) SIEMENS MED     ByteOffsetOfOriginalHeader   [0x800]
(0009,1131) SIEMENS MED     LengthOfOriginalHeader      [0x1600]
(0009,1140) SIEMENS MED     ByteOffsetOfPixelmatrix     [0x2000]
(0009,1141) SIEMENS MED     LengthOfPixelmatrixInBytes [0x20000]

(0011,0010)                                      <SPI RELEASE 1>

(0021,0010)                                        <SIEMENS MED>
(0021,1010) SIEMENS MED     Zoom                          <01.0>
(0021,1011) SIEMENS MED     Target                            <>
(0021,1020) SIEMENS MED     ROIMask                     [0x0000]

Overlay descriptions (overlays already in image pixel data):

(6000,0010)                 OverlayRows                 [0x0100]
(6000,0011)                 OverlayColumns              [0x0100]
(6000,0040)                 ROI                              <R>
(6000,0050)                 OverlayOrigin        [0x5c31,0x2031]
(6000,0060)                 OverlayCompressionCode        <NONE>
(6000,0100)                 OverlayBitsAllocated        [0x0010]
(6000,0102)                 OverlayBitPosition          [0x000c]
(6000,0110)                 OverlayFormat                 <RECT>
(6000,0200)                 OverlayLocation             [0x7fe0]

(6002,0010)                 OverlayRows                 [0x0100]
(6002,0011)                 OverlayColumns              [0x0100]
(6002,0040)                 ROI                              <R>
(6002,0050)                 OverlayOrigin        [0x5c31,0x2031]
(6002,0060)                 OverlayCompressionCode        <NONE>
(6002,0100)                 OverlayBitsAllocated        [0x0010]
(6002,0102)                 OverlayBitPosition          [0x000d]
(6002,0110)                 OverlayFormat                 <RECT>
(6002,0200)                 OverlayLocation             [0x7fe0]

(6004,0010)                 OverlayRows                 [0x0100]
(6004,0011)                 OverlayColumns              [0x0100]
(6004,0040)                 ROI                              <R>
(6004,0050)                 OverlayOrigin        [0x5c31,0x2031]
(6004,0060)                 OverlayCompressionCode        <NONE>
(6004,0100)                 OverlayBitsAllocated        [0x0010]
(6004,0102)                 OverlayBitPosition          [0x000e]
(6004,0110)                 OverlayFormat                 <RECT>
(6004,0200)                 OverlayLocation             [0x7fe0]

(6006,0010)                 OverlayRows                 [0x0100]
(6006,0011)                 OverlayColumns              [0x0100]
(6006,0040)                 ROI                              <R>
(6006,0050)                 OverlayOrigin        [0x5c31,0x2031]
(6006,0060)                 OverlayCompressionCode        <NONE>
(6006,0100)                 OverlayBitsAllocated        [0x0010]
(6006,0102)                 OverlayBitPosition          [0x000f]
(6006,0110)                 OverlayFormat                 <RECT>
(6006,0200)                 OverlayLocation             [0x7fe0]

More SPI private stuff ... padding and original header ...

(7001,0010)                                        <SIEMENS MED>
(7001,1010) SIEMENS MED     Dummy

(7003,0010)                                        <SIEMENS MED>
(7003,1010) SIEMENS MED     Header

(7005,0010)                                        <SIEMENS MED>
(7005,1010) SIEMENS MED     Dummy

NB. Siemens VR for OverlayOrigin seems to be wrong. ACR/NEMA says it should be binary, but [0x5c31,0x2031] translates to a string <1\1> which seems more plausible!

The models in this family include the SP (which the SPI describes as a GBS 3 !), the SP/4000 which got a faster Vax, and the new Vision. I have only examined the files from the SP so far, but they are bog standard SPI with no surprises, and I have no reason to doubt the same is true of the later models.

The usual Vax VMS problems apply. Use the console serial port on the back of the Vax. There is a C compiler supplied so you can compile the more recent C version of kermit ... although the old Bliss version works fine. Unlike the Philips, there is no problem with CR delimited file attributes being set on the binary files. Kermit transfers are glacially slow as always. Siemens Magnetom Impact Siemens Magnetom Impact Native Format

Unknown. Siemens Magnetom Impact SPI Format

Siemens version of SPI, containing the following private data elements. More comprehensive attributes than the Siemens Somatom Plus or Siemens Magnetom SP. There is no overlayed data in the high four bytes of the image pixel data, and that there is no padding in the middle or "original header", or byte offsets and lengths described in group 9. Only some of the more significant elements are described here in the interest of brevity. Sources for a more comprehensive dictionary are described under SPI.

SPI private tags:
(0009,0010)                 PrivateCreator                <SPI RELEASE 1>
(0009,0012)                 PrivateCreator          <SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS>
(0009,0013)                 PrivateCreator          <SIEMENS CM VA0  LAB>
(0009,1010) SPI RELEASE 1   Comments                 <SPI VERSION  01.00>
(0009,1015) SPI RELEASE 1   UID              <000S00MR001994021614211710>
(0009,1040) SPI RELEASE 1   DataObjectSubtype                    [0x0000]
(0009,1041) SPI RELEASE 1   DataObjectSubtype                  <MRUPNONE>
(0009,1210) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS  StorageMode                   <EXPANDED>
(0009,1212) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS  EvaluationMask                  [0x0000]
(0009,1226) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS  LastMoveDate                <1994.02.16>
(0009,1227) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS  LastMoveTime              <13:41:52.000>
(0009,1320) SIEMENS CM VA0  LAB  HeaderVersion                      <VB6>

(0011,0011)                 PrivateCreator          <SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS>
(0011,1110) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS RegistrationDate             <1994.02.16>
(0011,1111) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS RegistrationTime          <113:43:49.000>
(0011,1123) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS UsedPatientWeight                <000050>

(0019,0010)                 PrivateCreator          <SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS> 
(0019,0012)                 PrivateCreator          <SIEMENS MR VA0  GEN> 
(0019,0014)                 PrivateCreator         <SIEMENS MR VA0  COAD> 
(0019,0015)                 PrivateCreator         <SIEMENS CM VA0  ACQU> 
(0019,1060) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS NumberOfDataBytes                <310127> 
(0019,1220) SIEMENS MR VA0  GEN NominalNumberOfFourierLines      <000128> 
(0019,1226) SIEMENS MR VA0  GEN NumberOfFourierLinesafterZero    <000063> 
(0019,1228) SIEMENS MR VA0  GEN FirstMeasuredFourierLine         <-00064> 
(0019,1230) SIEMENS MR VA0  GEN AcquisitionColumns               <000512> 
(0019,1231) SIEMENS MR VA0  GEN ReconstructionColumns            <000512> 
(0019,1250) SIEMENS MR VA0  GEN CurrentNumberOfAverages          <000010> 
(0019,1260) SIEMENS MR VA0  GEN FlipAngle                <00.8000000+E00> 
(0019,1290) SIEMENS MR VA0  GEN NumberOfSaturationRegions        <000000> 
(0019,1294) SIEMENS MR VA0  GEN ImageRotationAngle       <00.0000000+E00> 
(0019,1412) SIEMENS MR VA0  COAD MagneticFieldStrength   <009.500702E-01> 
(0019,1456) SIEMENS MR VA0  COAD ReceiverFilterFrequency         <500000> 

(0021,0010)                     PrivateCreator              <SIEMENS MED> 
(0021,0011)                     PrivateCreator      <SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS> 
(0021,0013)                     PrivateCreator      <SIEMENS MR VA0  GEN> 
(0021,1010) SIEMENS MED Zoom                                           <> 
(0021,1011) SIEMENS MED Target                                         <> 
(0021,1020) SIEMENS MED ROIMask                                     [0x0]
(0021,1120) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS FoV        <00.2050000+E200\.2050000+E20> 
(0021,1122) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS ImageMagnificationFactor <001.000000E+00> 
(0021,1130) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS ViewDirection                      <HEAD> 
(0021,1132) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS RestDirection                      <HEAD> 
(0021,1160) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS ImagePosition        <000.000000E+00\.\.> 
(0021,1161) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS ImageNormal          <-00.000000E+00\.\.> 
(0021,1163) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS ImageDistance            <002.787480E+01> 
(0021,116a) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS ImageRow             <001.000000E+00\.\.> 
(0021,116b) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS ImageColumn          <000.000000E+00\.\.> 
(0021,1170) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS PatientOrientationSet1          <R\AH\HP> 
(0021,1171) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS PatientOrientationSet2          <L\PF\FA> 
(0021,1180) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS StudyName    <routine_brain/6_opt3_mprag> 
(0021,1182) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS StudyType                           <MEA> 
(0021,1334) SIEMENS MR VA0  GEN NumberOf3DImagePartitions        <000128> 
(0021,1339) SIEMENS MR VA0  GEN SlabThickness            <001.800000E+02> 
(0021,1342) SIEMENS MR VA0  GEN CurrentSliceNumber               <000001> 
(0021,1343) SIEMENS MR VA0  GEN CurrentGroupNumber               <000001> 
(0021,134f) SIEMENS MR VA0  GEN OrderofSlices                 <ASCENDING> 
(0021,1370) SIEMENS MR VA0  GEN NumberOfEchoes                   <000001> 

(0029,0011)                     PrivateCreator      <SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS> 
(0029,1120) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS PixelQualityCode         <NONE\NONE\NONE> 

(0051,0010)                     PrivateCreator      <SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS> 
(0051,1010) SIEMENS CM VA0  CMS ImageText                           <...> Siemens Magnetom Vision Siemens Magnetom Vision Native Format

The exact details of the format are not known, but a little guess work has determined what follows. The data types are Sun, hence the byte order is big-endian and the all the floats I have found are doubles. Offsets here are in bytes from the start of the header. The uncompressed image data starts at offset 6144.

        0         u_int      SiemensStudyDateYYYY 
        4         u_int      SiemensStudyDateMM 
        8         u_int      SiemensStudyDateDD 
        12        u_int      AcquisitionDateYYYY 
        16        u_int      AcquisitionDateMM 
        20        u_int      AcquisitionDateDD 
        24        u_int      ImageDateYYYY             
        28        u_int      ImageDateMM             
        32        u_int      ImageDateDD             
        36        u_int      SiemensStudyTimeHH 
        40        u_int      SiemensStudyTimeMM 
        44        u_int      SiemensStudyTimeSS
        52        u_int      AcquisitionTimeHH 
        56        u_int      AcquisitionTimeMM 
        60        u_int      AcquisitionTimeSS 
        68        u_int      ImageTimeHH             
        72        u_int      ImageTimeMM             
        76        u_int      ImageTimeSS             
        96        char[7]    Manufacturer
        105       char[25]   InstitutionName 
        186       char[4]    Annotation             
        281       char[15]   ModelName 
        412       u_int      LastMoveDateYYYY 
        416       u_int      LastMoveDateMM 
        420       u_int      LastMoveDateDD 
        424       u_int      LastMoveTimeHH 
        428       u_int      LastMoveTimeMM 
        432       u_int      LastMoveTimeSS 
        768       char[25]   PatientName
        795       char[12]   PatientID
        808       u_int      DOBYYYY             
        812       u_int      DOBMM                   
        816       u_int      DOBDD                   
        851       char[3]    PatientAge             
        854       char       PatientAgeUnits      ('Y'=years) 
        1052      u_int      RegistrationDateYYYY 
        1056      u_int      RegistrationDateMM 
        1060      u_int      RegistrationDateDD 
        1064      u_int      RegistrationTimeHH 
        1068      u_int      RegistrationTimeMM 
        1072      u_int      RegistrationTimeSS 
        1544      double     SliceThickness 
        1560      double     RepetitionTime
        1568      double     EchoTime
        1592      double     FrequencyMHz
        1639      char[5]    Station             
        1712      u_int      CalibrationDateYYYY 
        1716      u_int      CalibrationDateMM 
        1720      u_int      CalibrationDateDD 
        1724      u_int      CalibrationTimeHH 
        1728      u_int      CalibrationTimeMM 
        1732      u_int      CalibrationTimeSS 
        1767      char[16]   ReceivingCoil
        1828      char[4]    ImagedNucleus
        2112      double     FlipAngle
        2560      double     MagneticFieldStrength
        2864      u_int      DisplayMatrixSize 
        2944      char[65]   SequencePrgName
        3009      char[65]   SequenceWkcName 
        3074      char[9]    SequenceAuthor 
        3083      char[8]    SequenceType
        3744      double     FOVRow             
        3752      double     FOVColumn             
        3768      double     CenterPointX             
        3776      double     CenterPointY             
        3784      double     CenterPointZ             
        3792      double     NormalVectorX             
        3800      double     NormalVectorY             
        3808      double     NormalVectorZ             
        3816      double     DistanceFromIsocenter 
        3832      double     RowVectorX             
        3840      double     RowVectorY             
        3848      double     RowVectorZ             
        3856      double     ColumnVectorX             
        3864      double     ColumnVectorY             
        3872      double     ColumnVectorZ             
        3880      char[3]    OrientationSet1Top 
        3884      char[3]    OrientationSet1Left 
        3888      char[3]    OrientationSet1Back 
        3892      char[3]    OrientationSet2Down 
        3896      char[3]    OrientationSet2Right 
        3900      char[3]    OrientationSet2Front 
        3904      char[32]   SequenceName             
        5000      double     PixelSizeRow             
        5008      double     PixelSizeColumn 

        5504      char[12]   TextPatientID             
        5517      char       TextPatientSex 
        5518      char[3]    TextPatientAge 
        5521      char       TextPatientAgeUnits       ('Y'=years) 
        5529      char[7]    TextPatientPosition 
        5541      char[5]    TextImageNumberFlag       ('IMAGE'=image) 
        5546      char[3]    TextImageNumber
        5559      char[2]    TextDateDD             
        5562      char[3]    TextDateMM             
        5566      char[4]    TextDateYYYY             
        5571      char[2]    TextTimeHH             
        5574      char[2]    TextTimeMM             
        5577      char[2]    TextAcquisitionTimeFlag   ('TA'=acquisition time) 
        5583      char[2]    TextAcquisitionTimeMM             
        5586      char[2]    TextAcquisitionTimeSS             
        5601      char[4]    TextAnnotation
        5655      char[25]   TextOrganization             
        5682      char[5]    TextStation                   
        5695      char[3]    TextAcquisitionMatrixPhase
        5698      char       TextAcquisitionMatrixPhaseAxis  ('h'=horizontal,' '=vertical) 
        5700      char[3]    TextAcquisitionMatrixFreq 
        5703      char       TextAcquisitionMatrixFreqO      ('o'=o,' '=blank) 
        5704      char       TextAcquisitionMatrixFreqS      ('s'=s,' '=blank) 
        5706      char[8]    TextSequence                   
        5714      char[3]    TextFlipAngle                   
        5718      char[4]    TextScanNumberFlag        ('SCAN'=scan) 
        5723      char[3]    TextScanNumberA             
        5726      char[3]    TextScanNumberB             
        5730      char[2]    TextRepetitionTimeFlag    ('TR'=tr) 
        5734      char[7]    TextRepetitionTime             
        5742      char[2]    TextEchoTimeFlag          ('TE'=te) 
        5746      char[5]    TextEchoTime                   
        5752      char       TextEchoNumber             
        5790      char[2]    TextSliceThicknessFlag    ('SL'=slice thickness) 
        5794      char[7]    TextSliceThickness
        5802      char[2]    TextSlicePositionFlag     ('SP'=slice position) 
        5806      char[7]    TextSlicePosition
        5814      char[3]    TextAngleFlag1            ('Sag'=sagittal,'Cor'=coronal,'Tra'=transverse) 
        5817      char       TextAngleFlag2            ('>'=gt,'<'=lt) 
        5818      char[3]    TextAngleFlag3            ('Sag'=sagittal,'Cor'=coronal,'Tra'=transverse) 
        5821      char[4]    TextAngle                   
        5838      char[3]    TextFOVFlag               ('FoV'=field of view) 
        5842      char[3]    TextFOVH                   
        5846      char[3]    TextFOVV                   
        5874      char[2]    TextTablePositionFlag     ('TP'=table position) 
        5878      char[7]    TextTablePosition             
        5938      char[5]    TextStudyNumberFlag       ('STUDY'=study) 
        5943      char[2]    TextStudyNumber
        5956      char[2]    TextDOBDD                   
        5959      char[3]    TextDOBMM                   
        5963      char[4]    TextDOBYYYY                   
        5992      char[3]    TextStudyNumberFlag2      ('STU'=study) 
        5996      char[3]    TextImageNumberFlag2      ('IMA'=study) 
        5999      char[2]    TextStudyNumber2             
        6002      char[2]    TextImageNumber2             
        6013      char[5]    TextStudyImageNumber3             
        6031      char[15]   TextModelName                   
        6058      char[25]   TextPatientName             
        6085      char[2]    TextScanStartTimeHH             
        6088      char[2]    TextScanStartTimeMM             
        6091      char[2]    TextScanStartTimeSS     Siemens Magnetom Vision SPI Format


3.3.3 Philips MR Philips Gyroscan S5

This description pertains to "exported ACR/NEMA", not the native image files, which I am not familiar with. In fact I am not even sure in which directory they live.

Use the ADMIN menu on the operator's console to find the import/export ACR/NEMA utility, with which you can select an exam, series or image to export as an ACR/NEMA file. The default directory is the GYROVIEW home directory, which is already pretty cluttered so it is better to make another subdirectory like "ANI" to keep exported files in. The exported files have huge names composed of identification information, but all have a ".ANI" extension. For example:



These files are stored as, wait for it, fixed length 512 byte records, with the "carriage return carriage control" record attributes set from some bizarre reason, which totally messes up kermit which starts messing with adding and changing CR/LF characters. See the Vax diatribe below for a method of getting around this, by using DUMP as a poor man's uuencode permitting ascii transfer. Unfortunately the nature of fixed length records under VMS means that the last record will be padded out to 512 bytes without any indication of the "real" end-of-file. This means your ACR/NEMA reader has to cope with trailing garbage gracefully.

Unlike the Siemens SPI files, the Philips ones are stored in little-endian format. There is no fixed size header to skip, just go straight into the ACR/NEMA data stream. For the image pixel data four 12 bit words are packed without padding into 16 bit words, without any compression sheme. See the ACR/NEMA section for description of the packing organization. Lots of private tags are defined, but these can be ignored. Some of the identifying tags present are as follows:

(0000x8,000x10) CS RecognitionCode       VR=<CS>   VL=<0xc>  <ACR-NEMA 1.0> 
(0000x8,000x70) LO Manufacturer          VR=<LO>   VL=<0x8>  <Philips > 
(0000x8,0x1090) LO ManufacturerModelName VR=<LO>   VL=<0x2>  <S5> 
(0000x9,000x10) LT SPIComments   VR=<LT>   VL=<0xe>   <SPI Release 1 > 
(000x19,000x10)                  VR=<LT>   VL=<0x14>  <PHILIPS MR R5.6/PART> 

To get the files off, I plug a portable with a serial cable into one of the spare serial ports inside one of the Vax cabinets, at 9600 baud, and login as "GYROVIEW/NOCOM" without any password needed. This dumps you in the same directory as the files will be stored by default. You will probably need to set local echo on on your portable, or "SET TERMINAL/ECHO" on the Vax. Kermit was already loaded on my system, accessed as "RUN [SYSEXE]KERMIT". See the Vax section later for more help. Philips Gyroscan ACS Philips Gyroscan T5 Philips Gyroscan NT5 & NT15

3.3.4 Picker MR - another black hole

3.3.5 Toshiba MR - another black hole

3.3.6 Hitachi MR - another black hole

3.3.7 Shimadzu MR

The following information pertains to Revision 3 of the Shimadzu MRI format. The new Revision 4 doesn't change this apparently.

The following information pertains to Revision 3 of the Shimadzu MRI format. The new Revision 4 doesn't change this apparently. The offsets are specified in both bytes from 0 and words from 1 (the Shimadzu convention).

	Standard Header or 1st 512 bytes of Extended Header:

	Offset	Offset	Type	Keyword	Description	Units	Example
	(Bytes)	(Words)

	0	1	char 8	ZASYSID	SYS-ID
	8	5	char 16	ZANAME	NAME
	24	13	char 12	ZAID	ID
	36	19	char 2	ZASEX	SEX			"M ","F "
	38	20	char 4	ZAAGE	AGE		years
	42	22	char 20	ZACOMM	COMMENT
	62	32	char 18	ZAHOSP	HOSPITAL
	80	41	char 8	ZADATW	DATE			"YY-MM-DD"
	88	45	char 8	ZATIME	TIME			"HH:MM:SS"
	96	49	char 8	ZAAREA	Zoom Size/NSlices	"1.0 S/10"
						ES = 100mm
						VS = 150mm
						SS = 200mm
						 S = 250mm
						 M = 300mm
						 L = 350mm
						LL = 400mm
	104	53	char 8	ZASEQ	TYPE/MODE		"IR/256" where 256 is Max(Nx,Ny)
						IR = Inversion Recovery
						SE = Spin Echo
						FE = Field Echo
	112	57	char 8	ZATR	TR		mS	"TR=1500"
	120	61	char 8	ZATE	TE		mS	"TE=150"
	128	65	char 8	ZATI	TI		mS	"TI=200"
	136	69	char 8	ZALOK	LOCATION	MM	"OM+125","CN+50"
	144	73	char 8	ZAECG	ECG		?	"ECG=100"
	152     77      char 6	ZADIRL	Left side of image
	158     80      char 6	ZADIRB	Bottom side of image
	164     83      char 4	ZATCS
	168     85      char 8	ZAMTE	Interslice rest ms      "MTE=50"
	176     89      char 6	ZAPIT	Interslice skip mm      "PT=10"
	182     92      char 8	ZAFLIP	FLIP ANGLE      DEGREES "FLIP=90"
	190     96      char 8	ZAENCD	ENCODE          %       "ECD=80%"
	198     100     char 6	ZADIREP
						"(P,F)" OR "(F,P)"
	204     103     char 8	ZANSEQ	Sequence Name
	212     107     char 8	ZAMATER1	SYSTEM-ID 1
	220     111     char 8	ZAMATER2	SYSTEM-ID 2
	228     115     char 8	ZAMATER3	SYSTEM-ID 3
	236     119     char 2	ZASITE
	238     120     char 8		AVERAGE                 "NEX=2"
	246     124     char 2	ZADIRL2	Left direction
	248     125     char 2	ZADIRB2	Down direction
	250     126     char 6		SCAN (?)

	256     129     int16   ZMAGN				5000
	258     130     int16   ZSCSW				1-199
	260     131     int16   ZIMAGE	Images in series                        
	262     132     int16   ZSLICE                                  
	264     133     int16   ZECHO				1,2,4
	266     134     int16   ZXSIZE	columns                 
	268     135     int16   ZYSIZE	rows                    
	270     136     int16   ZTBLK                                   
	272     137     int16   ZNEGSW	Even line DC neg
	274     138     int16   ZFTYPE
	276     139     int16   ZCALB	Max
	278     140     int16   ZLBLK
	280     141     int16   ZRBLK
	282     142     int16   ZIBLKA
	284     143     int16   ZCOIL
	286     144     int16   ZDTYPE
	288     145     int16   ZETYPE
	290     146     int16   ZKRNL
	292     147     int16   ZPTOR1
						0=head first,1=feet first
	294     148     int16   ZPTOR2
						0=supine,1=prone,2=right side down,3=left side down,4=other
	296     149     int16   ZLRVS
	298     150     int16   ?
	300     151     int16   ZRCDMODE	Mode
	302     152     int16   ZVDBAND
	304     153     int16   ZYSTL
	306     154     int16   ZPWGHT
	308     155     int16   ZPFUSE	RF power ratio  %
	310     156     char 2	ZSATON				"P","H","Na"
	312     157     int16   ZSFREQ			10kHz
	314     158     int16   ZIMFLT
	316     159     int16   ZSLANT2				192 2
	318     160     int16   ZROTPHS	Recon
	320     161     int16   ZWIDE	Slice width     *10mm
	322     162     int16   ZPITCH	Interslice skip *10mm
	324     163     int16   ZCLOC	Center location	*10mm	(offset from isocenter in ZDIR direction (SAG L+,COR A+,TRN F+) FOR CENTER OF SERIES)
	326     164     int16   ZMAG			*100
	328     165     int16   ZCNTX	X               mm
	330     166     int16   ZCNTY	Y               mm
	332     167     int16   ZVIEW	Actual FOV	mm*10
	334     168     int16   ZDIR	Orientation
	336     169     int16   ZANG1	Alpha           *10 degrees (tilt angle of vertical, up-to-down direction relative to base plane (C,S,T))
	338     170     int16   ZANG2	Beta            *10 degrees (tilt angle of horizontal, left-to-right direction)
	340     171     char 8	ZPSID1
	348     175     char 2	ZPSIM1
	350     176     char 2	ZPSCR1
	352     177     char 8	ZPSID2
	360     181     char 2	ZPSIM2
	362     182     char 2	ZPSCR2
	364     183     int16   ZANG3S	system          *10 degrees
	366     184     int16   ZANG3U	user            *10 degrees
	368     185     int16   ZTILTSW	TILT
	370     186     int16   ZPSOR1	location                +/-512
	372     187     int16   ZPSOA1	location        *10 degrees
	374     188     int16   ZPSOR2	location                +/-512
	376     189     int16   ZPSOA2	location        *10 degrees
	378     190     int16   ZPSOD1	loc 0-100mm
	380     191     int16   ZPSOD2	loc 0-100mm
	382     192     int16   ZSLANT	orthog=10000
	384     193     char 2	ZPMOD
	386     194     int16   ZTR	TR              ms
	388     195     int16   ZTE	TE              ms
	390     196     int16   ZTI	TI              ms
	392     197     int16   ZNX	X Encode
	394     198     int16   ZNY	Y Encode
	396     199     int16   ZXAV	X NEX
	398     200     int16   ZYAV	Y NEX
	400     201     int16   ZEAV	Echo
	402     202     int16   ZSTIM
	404     203     char 2	ZCONST
	406     204     int16   ZFLIP			degrees
	408     205     int16   ZRESP
	410     206     int16   ZECG
	412     207     int16   ZDIXON	CH-SHFT         *10ppm
	414     208     int16   ZMTE	Interslice rest
	416     209     int16   ZHALF
	418     210     int16   ZSGNSW
	420     211     int16   ZCINE
	422     212     int16   ZPKZ
	424     213     int16   ZTEALN	TE ALIGN
						0=In phase,1=Opposed
	426     214     int16   ZCSSW	Chemical Shift Switch
	428     215     int16   ZIMDIR          
	430     216     int16   ZPSSP1
	432     217     int16   ZPSSP2
	434     218     int16   ZXWD	X Dimension	*10mm
	436     219     int16   ZXLOC1			*10mm
	438     220     int16   ZXLOC2			*10mm
	440     221     int16   ZYWD	Y Dimension	*10mm
	442     222     int16   ZYLOC1			*10mm
	444     223     int16   ZYLOC2			*10mm
	446     224     int16   ZHREV	Header Revision
	448     225     int16   ZSYSMAG
	450     226     int16   ZSCOPT	Optional Control
	452     227     int16   ZANGIO
	454     228     int16	?
	456     229     int16	?
	458     230     int16	?
	460     231     int16   ZSXADR	blk#
	462     232     int16   ZSPMOD	KSPM	

3.3.8 Elscint MR - another black hole

The next part is part5 - proprietary other formats.

